My expert book:
Managing crises in mechanical and plant engineering more successfully
My expert book:
Managing crises in mechanical and plant engineering more successfully

From the Book's Contents:
It is a well-known figure that 72% of change projects fail or do not achieve the operational and business goals.
Many medium-sized capital goods companies can be led out of a crisis much better. The prerequisite is that the people who deal with crisis management, restructuring and change in industry are truly willing to understand and penetrate the peculiarities in the companies even better. This book serves to improve the aforementioned rate by means of in-depth considerations, practical tips and explanations of the greatest potential for improvement through greater understanding in the areas of
- Gedankenwelt der Belegschaft
- Komplexe Vorgänge und Produkte
- aufmerksame Führung & Kommunikation
especially with regard to medium-sized machine and plant manufacturers in an acute crisis from the point of view of an interim managing director/CRO.
Many suggestions for potential for improvement also apply to good times.
Buch ISBN: 9783910236004
E-Book ISBN: 9783910236011